Monday, October 26, 2015

Just before the interview

When the count down starts before a job interview normally Job seekers are not sure about what to do in the in between  time.
This moment is very crucial because now you have to rehearse in your mind keeping yourself calm, and focusing on how you are going to succeed in the interview, how you are going to answer the questions and so on.
1. Controlling Stress. If your stress level is high it will affect your ability to think clearly. Control your stress so that you can listen better and can answer the questions effectively.
 2. Reach early, but don't go inside. Arriving late to an interview is not at all advisable. Reach earlier but wait outside the office otherwise your employer may not feel comfortable. 
3. Be friendly to all. When you go into the employers  office, remember to be friendly to all the office staff. He or she may report back to the employer about you.
4. Decide in which way you are better than others. In communications skills, Project management skills, Knowledge.
5. Do not overdo it. Do not over-prepare at this time, this will make your conversation look like artificial. Remember your interview is a conversation.
6. A minor breathing exercise. This will help you to remain calm. Breath in and breath out in puffs three times.
7. Your posture. Sit in a proper manner while waiting for your interview and feel confident.
8. Don't get distracted. Using your mobile,ipad,ipod,tab and laptop may distract you very much and  will affect your performance very much.
9. Mental review. You might have prepared in detail, now mentally review your preparations.
10. Check your looks. In the nearby restroom check yourself out in the mirror. You may have left the home looking like a perfect gentleman, but you may arrive at the interview place looking very shabby. Wash your hands and make sure your fingernails are clean. Do not try to change your shoes or dress in the rest room.
11. Think Positive. Fill your mind with all those good things you love, this will put you in the right state of mind when you enter the interview place.

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