Saturday, October 24, 2015

Find a Job in 6 Simple Steps

Job seekers who spend a lot of time searching job sites and sending resumes without segregating much of an employer response let alone landing an interview. Effective job search and generating employer interest requires careful thought, research and strategy. To help maximize your job search and get you on your desired career path, consider following these six steps.
1. Understand your job search criteria.
First, be able to identify what it is you are searching for in a job. Figure out your top priorities -- whether it is company culture or a specific job position.

2. Create a list of jobs that meet your criteria.
Once you’re able to find out what you’re looking for in a job, use this criteria to guide you in your search. Create a list to keep track of information
3. Read the job description carefully.
Reading the job description during your job search may take up time up front, but it is a major time-saver in the long run, because you won’t be applying for jobs for which you are an unlikely candidate and are outside of your career bandwidth.
4. Customize your resume and cover letter.
Once you have your hit list of jobs that meet your criteria, customize both your cover letter and resume to speak to the company, position and job requirements. Having multiple “versions” of your resume can be an effective way of tailoring your experience to a particular role or industry.
5. Activate your referral network.
Employee referrals and word-of-mouth are the most common means of external hiring. Many job openings are not advertised, which is why attending relevant industry events and conferences, career-related lectures, seminars or training sessions can pay off. Reach out to alumni networks, career and interest-driven organizations and meet-up groups to let people know you’re looking and ask about open positions.
Also, let your friends know that you’re looking and ask if you can email them your resume to provide an informed idea of your experience and skills
6. Follow up.
If you’ve submitted your resume and application and haven’t heard a response, send a follow-up email to ensure HR or the hiring manager has received the application.
Following up after an in-person or phone interview -- ideally on the same day of the interview -- is not only a common courtesy but it reinforces that you are genuinely interested in the position while helping keep your name top of mind amongst those who are.

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