Saturday, October 24, 2015

How to impress your Boss in an Interview

You may have all the right skills and experience for the job but a lot depends on how well you come across in the interview. If you haven’t improved on your people skills, now is the time to do so…
The interview is a chance for your personality to stand out from the crowd. To make the right impression you should know about how to behave during the interview. It certainly helps to practice your interview techniques with a friend.
Ways to impress in interview
1. Smile – First impression is the best impression. When you meet people, make sure it’s with a firm handshake and always make eye contact when you are talking.
2. Homework – Learn about the company, its culture, its products etc. The more you know about the company, the more you can manage the questions.
3. Professional Dressing – Your appearance and how you behave announce a lot about you as a person. Know your dress code beforehand.
4. Punctuality – Here punctuality does not mean arriving in time but arriving a little earlier to avoid last minute frustration and stress.
5. Developing a good rapport– Speak clearly, sit up straight in your chair and show that you are interested and keep smiling!
6. Experience – Tell the interviewer just how your past experience will help in this job. Give specific examples of things you have achieved for your company and how you can relate this to the new role.
7. Meaningful questions – Interviewers especially like it when candidates ask specific questions about the nature of the role, what the job entails, what the goals of to avoid the company are etc.
8. Ask for the job if you want it – At the end of the interview, don’t be afraid to ask the interviewers what they thought of you as a candidate. If the response is positive, then you can ask what the next step is. If the response is negative, use it as an opportunity to straighten things.
9. Thank you – Thank the interviewers for taking the time to talk to you about the position.
10. Friendly to everyone – Always be courteous to anyone you meet at the interview place. The interviewer may seek the opinion of others also.

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